Planet Bagel Website
2023 |
Freelance Web DEsign, copywriting + branding
My brother in law recently traded up one family business for another, and is now the proud owner and operator of a beloved bagel shop in New Jersey. He asked me on a Thursday morning to make him a website, and sent me nothing but an out of date brochure to go off of.
The first version elevated the brochure branding. Space themed pretty hard. It was fun to play around with!
The second and final version is a bit more in line with the actual energy of the in person store. While the name is a little cheeky, the shop itself feels very much like a town’s favorite bagel place. I’ll have to tackle those brochures next!
Being a 360 marketer means I’ve worn a LOT of hats in my previous roles. And I absolutely love all I have learned, and how fun it can be to revisit and even brush up on old skills of mine.
I’m not going back into branding or building websites again. But wow, I forgot how fun it all can be!
Be sure to visit Planet Bagel if you’re local! You can order for pickup at